Post Election Day and I find it hard to believe our political climate - for numerous reasons. Rather than ramble on about any of that, I'll do what I've been making myself do when I have too much focus on something negative. That's especially important to me when whatever it is that I don't like happening is beyond my ability to change it. I'm not saying that it's always easy, but it's important.
The sense of division, racism and hatred looms large in this world of ours, and it troubles me that my own country seems to be feeding that like a stray animal all too well. We're all in this together and we should be more kind to one another. Anger isn't anyone's best look, and it's more than a little shocking to see what is coming out of the highest office in the land.
What can I do? What can any of us do? Obviously we can vote. We can do our own personal best to act towards our fellow man in the ways we should act towards one another. It's possible to be proud of who we are without the need to put anyone down for who they are. It's tough to watch much news today - another mass shooting, another volley of the same arguments and nothing changes. Nothing. Another shocking turn of events that I'm ashamed to say makes it look like too many people are cheering on the class bully and are proud of it. The thing is, it's not shocking - it's become the new normal.
So I'll remind myself that in my small world, I should focus on the multitude of things I have to be grateful for. Just stop for a minute and take in lungs full of clean, cool Autumn air and realize that there are people struggling for their last breath. Look at the beauty of the trees and take it in - splendor. I'm about to walk into a gym that I've been going to for nearly 8 years. Somehow I've managed to be my own motivation and stick with exercising - and I love what it's done for me. It's a never ending journey, and even on the days when I struggle the most, I always feel better walking out of the gym and carrying that over into the rest of my day. Some days it's hard to motivate my ass to get there, but it's always worth it. Always.
I have wonderful friends and family in my life - and all of them are worth being beyond grateful for. My hope is that I can be to them all that they are to me. I also need to take my appreciation and empathy for others to higher levels. I need to keep in mind that no small act of kindness is wasted and we shouldn't underestimate the impact such acts can have on anyone's day. Every one of us is fighting some kind of battle that no one else may know about. For me, it's important to give thought to what I'm putting out into this world. Am I making a favorable difference to others? Am I wishing them the same good things that I want in my own life? There's room for all of us, and life is hard enough sometimes, why should any of us make it harder than it has to be for anyone - including ourselves?!
So I'll breathe in gratitude on this Thursday, I have a roof over my head, I'm doing my best to keep the wolf at the door on the other side of it...and running in the opposite direction! I have food in my refrigerator, my health, my friends & family and the things that bring me joy. Things are much better despite not being perfect - and the more I focus on how good things are, the better they become. Am I simply spewing a bunch of malarkey while I have my coffee and breakfast? Nah, it really feels better to think about good things than it does to dwell on what's not so good - today is a tough news day, I've taken in as much of it as I can, and now it's time to shift into grateful. The very fact that things aren't perfect is something to be grateful for - because it means I can think of good things to aspire to. Grateful on this Thursday - and I sincerely hope you are too. Peace, good people.
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