Sunday, May 31, 2020

Day Two - 1,000 Words of Summer

NOTE: Part two in my 1,000 Words of Summer writing project. Raw, rambling & submitted for anyone who is willing to read such drivel. I did get quite a bit closer to 1,000 words on this one. Who knows what day three will look like? Haven't started that yet...

Saturday, May 30, 2020 - 12:30 PM - 1,000 Words of Summer, Day Two:

I started my interest in gardening to feed my interest in photography. I wanted to capture birds, butterflies, bees - things that have always made me stop and look, Sometimes these moments are far too brief, fleeting and I wanted to preserve them in all their spectacularity. One of the things I ponder about gardening, is how it’s ultimately an exercise in patience. No matter how careful you are in doing all the right things - and this is true whether you plant an actual seed, or transplant a seedling that you bought at a garden center, there is a lot of waiting for things to turn out.

On any given day, you’ve watered and taken note of the progress of a plant in the soil. The flower, fruit or vegetable will appear in its own time - not yours. The thought that something small like a Sunflower seed, can turn into a huge stalk of a plant with big, gorgeous flowers in less than twelve weeks if amazing. I have monitored these plants and quite a few more, every year for the past 5 years. Patience. 

On one hand, I’m patient. On the other, I want results. Sunflowers and Mexican Sunflowers draw various birds, bees and butterflies - all can be amazing photographic opportunities. They also provide a lot for the eye to take notice of even if one doesn’t want to photograph them. So I look forward to their arrival in all their glory, I want to see them in full bloom.
The down side to this is that those two specific types of flowers don’t bloom until mid to late Summer. Maybe it’s just my own perception, but that’s the point in the season where Mother Nature seems to step on the accelerator a bit too heavy. The warm, sunny days go by too quickly, and if you’re not paying attention to all these seemingly tiny moments of beauty, they’ll pass you by and you’ll have missed out.

Seeds, even the ones that are most hardy, get off to a rather pathetic start sometimes. Maybe that’s something that I notice more after a few years of planting various flowers to draw bees, birds and butterflies. Four years ago, I bought a packet of Mexican Sunflower seeds because the picture on the packet looked interesting. I wanted to know what these things looked like. Turns out they are much more stunning to see when they bloom - and they bloom late into the Fall. But the biggest, and best surprise was finding out that they draw Humming Birds and Monarch Butterflies. Bumblebees are also quite a sight on these flowers, so with all that going on, I plant more of those than any other flower.
I’ve had success with various types of Sunflowers, including the beautiful Mammoth variety - I’ve had a couple of those grow to heights over ten feet in the air, stalks as thick as a broom handle. The sad thing about this variety of Sunflowers is that it’s usually one flower per massive stalk, and while they are gorgeous when they bloom, it’s a relatively short time before they get ugly and they offer up nothing else.

I’ve found that some of the red varieties of Sunflowers will offer up several blooms per stalk, and some of the deep, deep red looks amazing against a blue Summer sky. You wait for this kind of beauty. After a few seasons your anticipation for it turns to being anxious. All in good time - and to me it’s well worth taking the time to stop and notice. These flowers are guaranteed to draw Goldfinches and bumblebees - the former are most colorful in their beautiful mix of bright yellow, black & bits of clean white. The latter are a sight to see, loaded down with pollen falling off of them.

Again, beauty like this is a waiting game. And we’re talking mid Summer at the earliest. That’s why I labored this year to get things planted that look good and draw Humming Birds now. It’s nice to walk out in the mornings and look at the progress of plants, particularly when I planted them from seeds, but why not have a few things out there that look good now, while I’m waiting for the headliner?

It’s certainly helped having the time with this shelter in place stuff - of course that made me venture out to the store a few times when it wasn’t quite so essential, but I’ve got to do things - even if I am staying home more. There’s something incredibly satisfying about admiring plants grow, knowing that when I walk away from them today, I’ve done the best I can to nurture them. I’ll walk outside tomorrow, most likely won’t notice any difference at all, certainly nothing significant and I’ll do that for quite a few days to follow. I’ll look when I walk by on my way to my car to drive to work, and when I come home I will probably take note of how things look in the dark of night. Soon. When? Soon. The important things right now are to keep looking, keep noticing and nurturing…and patience. In good time. Peace, good people. I’ve made it to nearly 900 words today. Perhaps if you’re reading this, you’re thinking I’m rambling too much, but stuff like this is part of what I love about Summer.

1,000 Words of Summer

Note: The following post is from a link that was shared with me about a writing project entitled, 1,000 Words of Summer. Anyone taking part in this project is instructed to write 1,000 words daily. I'm not sure that I'm following protocol here three days in. To me, the most important thing is to write. Given the title of the project, I'm choosing to write about the things I enjoy in the Summer months. I'm not sure how interesting my sharing them will be - but here ya go:

Friday, May 29, 2020

I’m supposed to write a thousand words today. I wonder how many thousand I’ll think? Even if I don’t write them, or don’t try to write them, at least that many will be thought. I’m supposed to be writing that amount for the next two weeks, and daily - though the only thing that will regiment that is me.

The project is called 1,000 Words of Summer. I’m not quite sure what the objective here is, other than to get me writing. The title makes me want to write about the things I associate with, and love about Summer. Things like gardening, foods I eat in the warmer months and the ways I prepare them. Riding my bicycle more, spending mornings on my patio with my coffee and my writing, and trying to capture tiny moments of beauty in nature that  happen during the Summer months, with my camera.

This Summer is different. We’re still in a pandemic that has greatly affected most of us. It’s changed the very way I make my living - and not for the better. I don’t know if it will ever get back to normal. Within the thousand words that are my target number, I don’t know what I’m allowed to say and where I’m allowed to put it if I do choose to say it - because damn near everything is politicized these days.

Having an opinion that differs from someone else’s can get you in a lot of trouble, even in the land of the free. Speaking out on any of the injustices and flaws this country may have, is far too often taken as being unpatriotic. When is fixing something that clearly needs fixing unpatriotic. When you fix things, you make them better. I’ll just say that there are things that need fixed. Doesn’t mean my country is terrible, it means we need to fix some things.

It’s a bit like a kid with his first car, which may well have good bones, but is more of a work in progress in terms of looking and running better, but the kid is proud to have and drive the car. I guess the trick is diplomacy in pointing out or talking about what needs fixed. One might not see enough of it these days, but it’s possible to point out and discuss the things that need fixed without losing admiration for the car. It’s seen better days, and it could still them again. There are still good things in abundance about the car, let’s not focus too much on the fact that much of the front end is a mess of Bondo right now. I’m speaking metaphorically, of course - and I’ll stop here with the metaphors, lest someone assume I’m unpatriotic, communist or a multitude of other things that I assure you I am not.

So here we are at the start of Summer, albeit a rather trying Summer. I’m nearing 450 words right now. I’d like to be able to say more things about the metaphorical Bondo car, but instead, I’m going to shift my focus on the things I enjoy about Summer and talk (write) a bit about what those things are to me and how they move me. I have no idea if anyone else will find such writing interesting, and my own goal in this 1,000 Words of Summer thing is to get me to start writing more.

There are other things I need to do to be more productive and feed my creative soul, things that would be much better than binge watching anything or spending too much time on social media. Things like reading more, learning more, spending time on the things that I really want to get better at for the simple reason they are things that I really enjoy and am fascinated with - such as graphic design and photography.

So I end up with 600 words on the first day. I’ll take it, & I’ll be back tomorrow, a bit more focused on Summer. More words? Less? Stay tuned. Peace, good people.