Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Grateful Sunday & an Honest Calendar

I'm normally off on Sundays - and I have this notion in my head that coffee never tastes better than it does on a Winter Sunday morning. Alas I'm done with the caffeine portion of the day, and on to better things. I try to spend a lot less time on any social media site these days. While the blue and white is good for keeping in touch with family & friends that are more spread out all the time, it just kinda sucks the life out of things. Lots of negative energy - although that's really easy enough to stay away from. I find myself shrugging it off. There's a real world out there to live in and that's where my energies are better placed - at least that's what I tell myself.

So it's a cold, grey Winter day - on the soggy side. I guess you could say the beauty of this day isn't obvious. These are the kinds of days when it's up to us to find the beauty - and it's out there, in here and all around me, regardless of whether or not the sun is shining. I just got off the phone with relatives and I feel fortunate to have them, let alone enjoying a bit of conversation with them. What if I ignored either of those facts? There will come a day when I'd give anything to have even fractions of the conversations I just had. And I did so with a roof over my head, heat, indoor plumbing and food on my table.

We're seconds away from the holiday season and every year I get a bit bothered by the fact that people from the Salvation Army stand in the entrance ways to stores - because it always feels like they should be there every day of the year. The days in between the holidays are just as important. We need one another just as much on those days, maybe even more. I strive to be a better version of myself, a kinder person, and more thankful - and it is my hope that I'm grateful for more than I ever take for granted. The fact of the matter is, I'm as human as anyone and I fail at things like this. For me , I just try to stay mindful.

I can always stop, even if only for a minute or two, and take notice of how there is always much more to be thankful for than there is for me to bitch about. Losing sight of that is only going to produce more things to piss and moan about. Sure, there are times when it doesn't seem like that's the case, but that's the stuff I need to push through, because there is always a lot to be thankful for - always. 

So I'll do my best to not pay mind to any of the small world problems that could easily take up space in my over thinking head - today, the day I'm in the midst of. The moment I'm in currently. Both of these things, the day and the moment, are gifts. Who's to say I'll have another? The man upstairs, that's who. This moment I'm in the middle of won't come again. I have wonderful people in my life, and one of the wonderful people in my life is an old friend who recently spoke about a cross country bicycle trip he took this Summer. On that trip, he said perhaps his biggest take away from the experience was in discovering that people are basically nice. Let that sink in, and if I were to have any trouble with letting that thought sink in, I can add my friend's closing line:

People are basically nice - and I endeavor to be one of them.

So there you have it, my thoughts as I write through the coffee, do a bit of self assessment on the things I may be worried about and the things that I owe it to myself to work on. People are basically nice. I endeavor to be nice. And grateful. Happy Thanksgiving week, y'all - I'm stealing another line that my friend said: I haven't felt my age for decades, certainly not this last one, but the Calendar is honest. Peace, good people.


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