Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday Is A Day, & A Day is Still A Gift

A lot of people complain about Mondays. I guess it stems from the fact that most people have two days off for their weekend and it's back to the work week come Monday morning. In my line of work, it's rare that I have two days off in a row, and weekends are pretty much a foreign concept to me. No complaints though. As I get myself ready to start another work week, I could focus on any of the potentially negative things I have to deal with - or I could take a step back and realize that the best thing to do would be to change my own mindset and face such dragons head on. I'm a glass half full type of person - and I try to always look at the more favorable side of things - particularly those I can't control.

Right off the rip this week, I'm forced to deal with someone who carries a lot of negative energy in how they deal with others. I can't change anyone else's approach - but I don't need to let negative mindset people influence me - I don't want to hang out with negativity. It's a beast that needs fed and it's a mindset parasite in my humble opinion. Anything I could be facing that I'm not looking forward to on this Monday, is nothing compared to the battles that others are facing. So I've already dealt with some negative comments about some of the work I've done in the writing class I'm taking - the fact of the matter is, if I knew the ins and outs of a lot of this stuff, I wouldn't be taking the class. Bring it, I'll learn from it and come out better for it.

I ask myself regularly how I can be a better person - I need to be the best version of me that I can, and let others be whatever versions of themselves suits them best. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle I know nothing about. So I need to ask myself how can I be the best me? That means being the best employee I can be, the best coworker, the best friend, the best relative...and the roots of wanting and striving to be better need to spread out across everything that I have to do and want to do. I need to put my best effort into everything that I put any energy at all into doing - be it in my actions, and my thoughts, which are energy too.

On the work front, I'm fortunate to work for a guy who expects the best out of his employees because that's what he demands/expects out of himself. Again, why wouldn't you want to put your best efforts into your working day? Maybe the fact that in my line of work, days don't really matter so much. My 9 to 5 is not the typical one, and I think that helps in just looking at days as opportunities to do my best. Every day is a gift, and Mondays are still a gift. Any day of the week could potentially be a Monday for me, as any day could have any number of things that I'd rather not have to deal with - hell, I'd like to run away from a thing or two, but that's not gonna happen - so I stop wanting that. Whether I am fully aware of it or not, dealing with the things I sometimes wish I didn't have to is what makes the things I do like on this journey better. It's jumping over the hurdles that make for a great hurdler. I know, deep isn't it? Analogies help, trust me.

So yes, it's Monday and I'm forced to deal with a couple of unpleasant things on this day - some of that is because of someone else's negative outlook - all I can do is keep my own outlook favorable. I have people in my life who are facing very unpleasant things, things that would easily make any of the stuff I wish I didn't have to deal with today look like a walk in the park. I need to accept the fact that I have no control over how anyone else does things, I can't let anyone get to me and take on their negative mindset. So bring it, Monday...or any day. Because good, bad or indifferent, every day on this journey is a gift. Appreciation for any gift does wonders for the soul. So I'll be thankful on this day and do my absolute best to look at even the more difficult parts of this day as an opportunity to ask myself the honest question - how can I look at this and be better for it?

Another work week starts right now. Just so happens this is Monday, but Monday is a day, and every day is still a gift. Peace, good people. I hope this day starts your week off well.


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