I ski - though I'm not terribly good at it and with the absence of health insurance currently, skiing rather seems like a risk that would best not be taken right now. Although I have my own skis and the assorted cold weather gear that would keep me comfortable, the fact that one can be hurt pretty easily seems to be more of a block these days - besides, my old ski buddy Pat is no longer available for those long Sunday trips to New York or Western Pennsylvania. Fond memories I have of those trips!
I've said for a number of years that I wouldn't mind Winter if I had a wood-burning fireplace, a four-wheel drive car and a garage. I currently have none of those items and when you tack on a few more years under my belt, it makes for me all but hate the colder months these days. My current employer takes so little into account when it comes to severe weather, that I'm wondering if I should even bother going in tonight. My first Winter there had me driving in one Saturday and wondering why there were virtually no other cars on the streets in Hudson - what I didn't know was that there was a severe weather traveler's advisory in effect and they were basically telling people not to drive at all unless they absolutely had to.
My car got stuck in the 91 pass-through to the entrance of work. Three people instantly came to my aid and I was able to head south on 91. What's even more interesting here, is that my friend and coworker, Mike, couldn't get in the parking lot of work in his four-wheel drive Jeep Cherokee! No one from work called to say there had been no customers at lunch and that dinner would likely be a waste as well. That means that Mike and I had both driven in conditions that were a bit unsafe for nothing. Thanks?
So today I'm wondering if I even want to clean my car off a few hours from now and waste my time going in. It's bad out there and while I hate to miss work, going in on a night like tonight will most likely be a waste of time. Yes, I'd get some on the clock hours - but that isn't the income I count on being a tipped employee.
I don't want to assume anything, but I'm going to be pissed if I end up driving in for nothing on a day like today. I have two projects here that need work on and some minor research for - how I wish I could do this in front of nice fire, and that if I have to venture out in this stuff for any reason at all, I had all wheel drive to do it in. I will say that front-wheel drive is better than rear-wheel drive, but it's really nasty out there - so I'd rather not go at all. Unfortunately the offer from someone to share a fire has been rescinded, so it's me and my dog - and mind you this is a creature that of late has me being a rather reluctant dog owner, and the writing that needs done and simply won't do itself. There may be a good photo opportunity or two outside when I bundle up for the dog's afternoon walk/romp - but I'd rather not think of that right now! Note to self: perhaps it's time to move to a warmer climate, one where I can drive to the snow and cold should I want to take part in any winter activities, and where I can drive away from it - and quickly, when I've had my fill.
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