I'm struggling with something these days, and while I don't want to ramble on about it, I'll just say it's a matter of the heart. If I compare what I'm going through, I need to put it into its proper perspective and realize that while it's unfortunate and it does indeed suck, there are people I know who are going through much worse.
I have a good friend who asked me to be in his wedding a year ago this summer. That wedding was perhaps the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to, never mind that I was in it. There were no political invites to this wedding and the overall sense that every guest in attendance really wanted to be there was palpable. It was one amazing day from beginning to end. It was the high point of that summer. A little over a year later, two people that I stood up there with, whom I love and believe in, are officially divorced. I'm not the only one who is sad and shocked by this turn of events. Let's face it, all of us know people who are divorced - but when you stand up there with two people you believe in and love, it makes it hit a lot harder.
That's one thing I think about when I feel myself hurting in my current situation. And I do feel quite a bit of hurt in what has happened.
I have friends on my facebook list that I went to high school with, that I used to work with, and like anyone, some of these people are closer to me than others. Some of the friends from my high school class are people I never really talked to in school, some of them are people I did interact with. What's wonderful now is that all of us interact and talk now - both on facebook and in person.
Never mind how many years after high school we're looking at now - it's really not important. What is important, is that time has brought us all together. As a former classmate and swimming teammate of mine said earlier this summer, "We were hard on each other in school" - and I suppose much of the time we were. Now this many years past graduation, life - and technology, has brought us closer together and has us being kind to one another. How wonderful is that?
Life has thrown things at each and every one of us - blessings of all kinds and things that would seem to be anything but a blessing. I have classmates who have had setbacks in health, lost children, lost jobs, and gone through things that would test anyone's faith in both themselves and in a higher power.
I recently added another former classmate to my facebook friends list. I don't think I had two words with this woman in high school - in fact, I'm not sure I remember her from high school. What I have noticed from my other former classmates, via facebook, is that this woman is battling cancer again and that everyone is sending her good wishes and encouragement. So I wanted to jump into the crowd of people who are giving her good thoughts, prayers and pulling for her. All hands on deck folks, this is the stuff that's really important in life.
I don't know this woman well, or at all really - but what happens to any one of us, can and does oftentimes happen to us. There but for the grace of God, go I. What I have noticed about this woman, is that her posts seem very upbeat and optimistic - and that can't be easy given all she's going through. She still seems to be laughing and that reminds me of a part in the book, The Secret, where a woman was diagnosed with cancer. Her and her husband made it a point to watch loads of funny movies and keep laughing. She credits the fact that she is now cancer free to all of that determined laughter.
I thought of that yesterday when I noticed a post that my former classmate, again someone I don't really know, was in her chemo treatment and she said she was watching Borat and politically incorrect as that was, she was laughing. In an instant I had a thought - I should send her every funny DVD I have and make sure she has ample ammunition of laughter in this battle. I commented on her post, telling her that I would be happy to loan her every DVD I have that I've gotten any amusement out of. She replied that would be nice and she emailed me her address. Fantastic, I would box up every funny DVD I have and send them down to Canton with the hope and prayer that this woman get more laughs than I have out of any of this stuff and that there is indeed miraculous healing powers in laughter.
So I did just that - bummer that I'd just thrown out a ton of boxes that stuff shipped to me from Amazon in. I only had two boxes and that wouldn't allow for all the funny stuff to go where it's needed. Off to the U-Haul store I went, returning with a rather large box and a tape gun. I rushed home and filled all three boxes with amusing videos, wrote a short letter letting her know that her and her family are in my thoughts and prayers, printed out something I wrote to amuse my coworkers from a few years back, threw in three LIVESTRONG wristbands saying that I'm now wearing one to remind me to think of the wonderful friends I have in my life who are battling cancer.
So maybe doing something nice for someone as they face something more difficult than I can even fathom, helps ease my own heartache and makes it a bit easier to deal with. It is my hope that Judy, the woman I sent these videos to, and who seems to be facing this battle head on with humor and incredible courage, laughs her way into healing and perfect health. I know I'm not the only one hoping for this and my broken heart is warmed by all the well wishes and healing thoughts being sent out to Judy and her family. It doesn't matter to me if I ever see these videos again, what matters is that Judy laugh her way back to health. So here's to the miraculous healing power in laughter and to people coming together to wish happiness, healing and health to a friend, wife, mother, daughter, sister - to anyone who simply needs it. Remember from an earlier post, I said I believe in miracles. Let's all believe in miracles, because miracles do happen.
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