Monday, December 13, 2010

The first installment of notes from a playlist

Several people have asked me to put notes from a playlist that I did not so long ago for someone who was going through a rough time. Truth be told, this someone is a woman that I uh, well, fell pretty hard for. Remember that Warren Zevon hit, A Certain Girl...? I can't tell ya! Never mind - she never got the mp3's on said playlist, therefore, she never got the notes either. I have no idea what she may have thought, and I know this is different stuff, which I like from time to time. I did mention the notes to some friends and they commented favorably saying that they would make great material for the blog, and that I should post 'em. Since there are/were 39 tunes on this list, and I'm a bit of a musical snob - and one who can ramble the f ON, in printed or spoken might well guess that there are a fair amount of notes. My uhm, pet name for said woman has been removed and I've nothing unfavorable to say about this woman, but never mind that - here, due to semi-popular demand, are the notes on the rather eclectic tunes I threw on the list:

Some thoughts on these songs...

Hiya _______,

I'm not sure what you'll think of either this playlist, or my accompanying thoughts. Now I don't want to say, nor even allude to, these being my favorite all-time songs. They're not, they're simply some songs that are currently successful in lifting my spirits, particularly on those days where I'm being too hard on myself, and those happen from time to time, so I act on changing that kind of mindset because it does me no good at all. I don't always have to have so much to say about how a song, or anything else really, moves me. So, on the days when I'm struggling, no matter who/what the opponent is, I find it helpful to hear stuff I like, as I steer myself out of the funk. I need to start looking, listening around for all that can and does bring me joy. I hope this has a few that help you in your storm, I hope you get my insights, I hope I don't ramble too much with them, and I hope you get a laugh or two and I'm still in your phone by the time you get through either one!

  1. Stop Breakin' Down – Lucinda Williams. One of America's best songwriters, perhaps a bit more known for what higher profile artists have done w/her songs. Yes, she can be a bit twangy, but this is pure Americana stuff of heartache, triumph...feelings and I love this stuff when I'm in the mood for it! Being self-aware enough to look at myself when I'm in a funk and just tell myself to, well...stop breakin' down...START building UP – because I have very little, if anything at all to cry about.
  2. Forest Fire – Lloyd Cole. Nobody told me about this guy, I had to read about him & take a chance based on what a critic said – which I usually do cautiously. He's good, but nothing he's done hit me like this one did – hauntingly beautiful, love the way the Bo Diddley-esque beat rolls this right through me, and the organ doesn't hurt either. This song may be one of my best kept secrets. Not sure if anyone gets this one.
  3. Two Of Us – Aimee Mann & Michael Penn. I love this version of a great Beatles song because of Aimee's lines, particularly the short ones she flies solo on – because I think she's untouchable when she nails a well written melody – and she does that here, I.M.O.
  4. Save It For Later – Naked Barbies. This is an old English Beat hit w/a cool take on it. It's Sunday morning/coffee/paper background for me. I do think the name of the band, Naked Barbies is at least a little funny – I'd kind of have to, I grew up w/two sisters who had Barbie dolls...I had the male equivalent, no I am not talking about G.I. Joe, I'm talking about Johnny West, a cowboy. JW couldn't get naked if his clothes were on fire - his clothes were molded onto his body, it didn't matter. What did matter was that he was a cowboy, and he had a horse. Nothing was cooler than that when I was 5. That means nothing as far as the song, just rambling about a band name that I find amusing.
  5. Blackbird – Sarah McLachlan. Messing with a Beatles tune can be thought sacrilegious by some I suppose,
    I know that sounds melodramatic, (ya think?) but I get that, I guess. Sara McLachlan couldn't sing a bad note if made to though and I like what she does w/this one.
  6. Black Sheep – Glenn Tilbrook. Overlooked, underrated...Brit pop songwriting genius if you ask me. He's often funny, moving, heartfelt, energetic – always brilliant, at least to these ears. I love smart song writing, even when it's somewhat of a challenge to listen to it - but this stuff is easy for me to listen to.
  7. Someone Take The Wheel – The Replacements. Kicking serious power pop butt. I've long loved what Paul Westerburg does with his hooks. This one always makes me go...”um, YEAH!” Kinda just pushes the funk away and tells it to back off, this one does.
  8. Give Me One Reason – Junior Wells. Yes, I do have the Tracy Chapman version,and I love it, but this one is done by a blues legend. He kills it, and it was likely one of the last songs he recorded before he passed. I had the good fortune to play a version similar to this one when I subbed for an old friend's blues band after I'd quit playing. This version brings back a pleasant memory of a night that I liked everything else that went along with playing in a band – and that didn't happen often for me, hence the quitting. Blah,blah,blah...I know! I just love how he seems to get into it w/more each passing bar. He's pretty deep in it by the time that I am as a listener, so it makes me smile, tells me everything will be just fine.
  9. Hard-Core Troubadour – Steve Earle. I wish I could say I got this guy years ago, but I didn't. I love how he just kicks this one's ass, and while I'm not familiar w/most of his stuff, I'm told he kicks most of their asses. A tune getting it's ass whooped always makes me feel good, this one has it coming, if that makes sense?

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