Monday, December 20, 2010

If I had me an Etch A Sketch heart

A friend recently posted a comment on my facebook page: You can't see where you're going if you keep looking back. Here's the thing: while the events of the last three and a half months, particularly the hurtful, screeching halt that had any of my hopes with someone come smashing into a wall of hurt, still bother me...I am trying to look ahead. While I do still think of someone, more than I would like, I realize that for things to end up this way means that what I thought was there, didn't exist, at least not on her side of the fence. This is petty stuff when I think of what others I know are dealing with - a good friend of mine saw his marriage fall apart and end, barely a year after perhaps the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to. Yesterday he told me he got the book of wedding pictures - barely a month after the divorce was official. Ouch. I know people who are either battling cancer or watching someone they love fight it. I know people who are out of work and have been for quite some time now. And I'm bitching about a petty bowl of crybaby soup with a barely romantic situation? Cracker puh-leeeeeeeeze. Sack up man!

Yeah, it does still bother me - despite knowing that what I thought I saw in this situation and what it actually was, were two entirely different things. I can't own anyone's traits but my own, and what seems to be now, tends to trump any and all of the favorable things I thought I saw. Am I wrong? So why then, do I still feel bad about this? I guess it's because I honestly thought I was due to meet someone nice - and that I had,  and that I'd finally reached a point where I've applied things I've learned from my past mistakes. Never mind all of the above - what I need here, is a heart and mind like an Etch A Sketch! That way I could shake that shit up and whatever was undesirable would be gone! A brand new silver screen in front of me just waiting for the lines to go wherever the F I want them to! Sounds like the makings of a good country tune doesn't it? Remember Calhoun Tubbs, the blues singer character from that sketch on Living Color? I flippin' loved how he'd say, "Wrote a song about to hear it go:" - that was funny shit. While I have the sound of my new song, If I had me an Etch A Sketch heart, in mind, I don't play an instrument other than drums - and those are of no help in presenting said song to you, so I'm afraid that the words/lyrics alone will have to do here....take heart dear reader(s...I hope!) they'll be created right here in this blog, on the spot! Like to hear it go:

Well if I had a heart like an Etch A Sketch
I'll tell y'all just what I'd do
I'd pick it up, shake it up 'n yawn 'n stretch
shake away my memory of you

You once were nice
more than I've seen

now yer heart cold as ice
Sh,sh,sh,shake it all off-uh that screen

Chorus: I'm gonna shake off every line that was you
              Yes everything you said that wasn't true
             I sure don't wanna cry or live life blue
             And so I'll shake off every line that was you

Here's a line that my dear old friend contributed:
            gonna shake off a line or two
           'cause you ain't nothin' but residue
           on a heart that broke & made me blue get the idea. It could work - I could always open up the forum to have people write the next verse! I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Rock Wehrmann said...

You can over to the studio and record this puppy whenever you want.