Afternoon, and a very good one at that. Today I had breakfast with my old pal Doug. Initially slated as a lunch, Doug mentioned earlier in the week that breakfast would work better for him. I have no particular problem with breakfast, other than the fact that most people eat it at a much earlier hour than I do given that I work nights. Nonetheless, I love me some breakfast food - if I got up at 4:00 PM (and no, I don't sleep that late!) I still gotta have something breakfast related. I've never been a wander-to-the-fridge-in-a-grumpy-pre-coffee-fog-and-grab-a-slice-of-cold-pizza guy, never will be either.
Me, via IM on a popular social networking site: What uh, time would you want to have said breakfast?
Mind you, I'm also thinking: Dear God please don't say something like, "how's about 7:30-ish?"
Doug, via IM on a popular social networking site: How's about 9:30 or 10?
Me, via...duh : 10 could work
Doug, v.d. : 10 - 10:15 if that's better.
Me, thinking, whilst still on a popular social networking site: ah, 10:15 - perfect. My friend knows my foggy morning patterns and is graciously allowing me PADDING, which I'll take.
I tell him it's on, and I immediately set about putting my mindset to committing to getting up a wee bit earlier than I normally do. Jeezus, it's not like I'm gonna be up late drinking and will have to drag my hungover ass outta bed at 9 to make it into Kent for breakfast and have coffee without my beloved vanilla caramel creamer...but never mind my hobbies, I'm in.
Here's the thing about being buddies with Doug all these years...actually a few things come to mind: a) we're both left-handed drummers who happen to hail from the same home town b) Neither one of us has ever had any trouble using right handed drumsticks c) our paths have crossed many times since meeting in 1980 d) after all these years, two grown men can share drum stories that have us both laughing and sharing the same enthusiasm for drums and music that both of us undoubtedly had as junior high kids...therefore, we can lose track of time - which is allowable when you're sitting in a booth over breakfast. Losing time behind a drumkit? Not so allowable, F.Y.I. How I love swapping drum stories - and between the two of us, we've got a ton of 'em, but ya gotta want it.
All in all, a very enjoyable hang and one that needs to happen more often - and soon. A great way to start a day that can't possibly get any better as it unfolds. I'm outta here...I've got to juice, hit the gym and get a late lunch before I head into what I hope will be a very enjoyable night behind the bar. I hope everyone is having a week as good as this one is for me!
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