Thursday, January 20, 2011

Buzz, Crop, Seed

Those three words together make this sound like a post about pot - it's not. Those three words together make me sound like someone who smokes pot - I'm not. Why then, am I using those words together at all when I can just picture lovers of herb being disappointed that their google search has led them to this post? I recently joined a blog networking site called Seeded Buzz. I'm not quite sure that I get it, at least in the way the site hopes I get it - revenue folks. What I'm getting out of it so far, is an idea of what different people write about. Sometimes that helps, sometimes it inspires. I'm not so sure that I want to consistently write about things that someone else writes about and dedicate entire posts to my version of their post, but it's interesting to get a glimpse of others and what they write about. Maybe my time around people who smoke pot can't help but come to mind when I see the words seed and buzz standing next to one another. If I see the word buzz and the word Woody together, well, I can't help but think of the movie Toy Story and no, I've never watched it while I was buzzed.

What you're supposed to do on the Seeded Buzz site, is find posts (seeds) and write (buzz) about them and link the writer's blog. I guess it helps build a larger audience for your own blog, surely that would help if your blog is actually generating revenue from ads - this one currently isn't. Last night I was up far too late browsing seeds in search of something interesting. I found several posts, some of which were a little misleading with their titles given the content, some better than others. What I'd like to do here is drop a handful of seeds at a time from a few titles in one fell swoop. If anyone from Seeded Buzz is reading, don't worry - I'll link the blog titles. If anyone is still reading with the hope of an altered state meaning of the words buzz and seed - leave now, or prepare to be disappointed.

Moving on, here are the titles of some seeds/posts that I found interesting enough to say a thing or two about and some of my thoughts on them:

  1.  Secret Tips To Overcome Failure - There really are some good points in this post, but lately when I think of failure, I think of a Sean Penn quote from a Rolling Stone article that really hit the nail right on the head: "Fail all you want - but fucking TRY."  We miss 100% of the shots we don't take - that's another quote, one from a friend who used to be my boss. Secret? Not really - one simply has to want it. Failure means you're trying - I'd rather fail at trying something I really want and I hope I always keep trying.                                ,,  
  2. Why did you give your blog a name? What does it say about you & your blog? - My memory is a bit vague on my answer to the first part of this question. I remember typing in a bunch of stuff and having it come back as unavailable. I got tired of that process - and maybe I should've gone into the process a bit more prepared, but that really is how I arrived at the name of this blog and yes, I've thought better of it a few times. What does it say about me? About the blog? I dunno and I'm not going on Dr. Phil to find out.  ,,
  3. It Just Bugs Me - Lord, could I ever ramble about things that bug me - in myself, from others. It bugs me when something in my refrigerator smells - and for two reasons: the first being that I let it get to that point, the second being that it's already too late to stop that smell from taking over the kitchen. Run. Honorable mention goes to whatever it is that causes the horrid stench is often not easy to find. That one is on me. In others? Laziness and being proud of it, someone not knowing the difference between to/too/two, you are/you're, affect/effect - and insisting that they're right or answering such an edit defensively with something like "Whatever..." Can you dig it? It bugs me when I lose my temper - even if I may have been justified in doing so. It bugs me when someone who is waiting on me responds as such to the following question:    Me: Hi, how are you doing? Them: I'll be doing GREAT just as soon as I get out of here! Really?,,
  4. What are you thankful for? Oh man, is this one cool or what? On my worst days I hope I can always look around if I'm in a funk and find something to laugh or smile about. On my friends' worst days I hope I can always help them find something to laugh or smile about. What am I thankful for? Damn near everything I hope, because all of it means I'm alive. The old adage about the glass being half empty or half full is, to me at least, a win/win situation - simply put, it's "do you want to bitch about it or do you want to see it as a good thing?" Think about it - if the glass is half full, you've still got something to drink if you're thirsty. If it's half empty, well now you're not so thirsty, you had something to drink in the first place, and there's still a little it must be good!                                                           ,,,
There you have it folks, I just planted a handful of seeds for a crop and maybe tonight I'll get home from work and get buzzed, er, buzz them. How'd I do? Have a great day!


ladaisi said...

Hello again!

Thanks for linking up again. It took me awhile to grasp the full potential of SeededBuzz . . . no, I take that back, I still don't think I've got it down. I should probably make myself watch the tutorials. . .

The lingo is a bit confusing.

I totally agree with being annoyed at the confusion between "you're" and "your" these days. Also those people who, for whatever reason, don't mind proclaiming that they "don't read." This bothers me to no end.

Thanks for the post! Entertaining read, pot or no.

- Lauren

P.S. I'm doing this new thing called the Blogger Challenge. It allows you to resurrect old posts you've written, if you will, so new readers can easily find them. Check it out on my blog if you want!

Ladaisi Blog

Chris said...

Hiya Lauren,

Thanks for reading & commenting. I'm still a bit green on the seeded buzz thing...oh wait, that sounded like a pot reference too!

I love (insert sarcastic tone here)when people who write say, "I'm not much of a reader" - I don't know what famous author said it (probably quite a few), but I always think...hmmm how much of a writer are you?

I did read your Blogger Challenge - nice post. I'm trying to reformat my blog currently, so I will revisit that thought soon.
