Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Long Work Week...& Grateful, another installment of Coffee Thoughts

I'm at the tail end of a long work week. Nonetheless, I'm grateful - I'd much rather be busy than wish I was busy. Mine is a very benevolent ego, but I do like it when my creative efforts go over well with our clientele, which has been happening a lot this week. I think it's important to take stock of all the efforts that bring people into the place I work in - and stay grateful for the people who come in.

While I wish that I didn't have to work tonight - not so much because of the work, but rather the beautiful Summer day that I'd like to enjoy more of, I'm grateful to work for the people I work for and the people I work with. I'll make all the other stuff fit in somewhere.

I'm liking the class I'm taking, but I need to discipline myself and buckle down more, as opposed to putting off assignments because I've come to count on the things that I can do well - I don't dread the assignments, I just tend to leave them until the eleventh hour a bit much. That one's on me.

The week has been filled with good workouts at the gym, my efforts to eat healthier and eliminate the foods that aren't good for me is really heading in the right direction and surprising me. I basically have two things that I know I should cut out from my diet, and they're both items that have too much sugar in them. I truly believe that we can, and should, do without much of the food that is bad for us in favor of something that's better for us. Incidentally, when I say we, I'm talking more about myself. I'm constantly amazed by how food trends seem so unhealthy for us all - and ours is a society that targets our weaknesses in flavor and taste. I can only make the calls for what I put into my body, and how I feel when I eat certain ways...

I started the whole juicing thing because I'm very picky about vegetables. I needed to find a better way to get more of the vegetables that are good for me into my body - and juicing has turned out to be a great way for me to do that...and I actually enjoy drinking many of the vegetables that I don't care for. I'll take it. This year I've made serious efforts to dial back the amount of fruits I use in juices and for most of my combinations, I have been leaving fruit out (but for a lemon or a lime) entirely and the difference has been amazing.

When I think of how I ate all through my 30's & 40's, not to mention how little exercise I got, it blows my mind. Could've, should've & would've. Who knows what would be different, and every step has brought me here - so better to arrive here at any point than to have continued on my journey banking on the fact that my job keeps me active and I've been a lanky dude my entire life. There comes a point in time where those things aren't enough on their own and I need to be doing more.

I know that our journeys are all a bit different, and I know that the only one I have any control over is my own, so I strive to be the best version of me that I can, and do away with saying things like, I'm doing pretty good for a guy my age - I mean, I've always been my age at any stage of this journey. Sometimes I feel a bit like a vintage car that needs some fixing up, other times I feel a bit like I did a decade or two ago...just a guy who wants to stay active and do things. Do is the key here. Less television, and less social media all the time - and the more I remember that, the more it makes perfect sense and the better my days. Boom. There you have it, my thoughts as I write through the coffee this morning. I'm off to tackle some homework, finish up some chores and enjoy some eggs with the homemade Sriracha sauce that I finished yesterday. If you've taken the time to read my coffee thoughts drivel, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday - stay grateful! Peace, good people!


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