Monday, July 23, 2018

Every. Single. Day.

So I started this writing class, taught by a prof I've taken another class from. Write every day, she says. That's not exactly foreign to me, though some days I struggle to write anything that might see the light of day, even if said light is just a post on this blog. My archives are filled with rough drafts of posts that never see the publish button because they bore the living daylights out of me. Things start out as a good idea and end up being piles of drivel. The word drivel always reminds me of Steve Martin's book, Pure Drivel. Ah, if only I could write half as well as Steve Martin does.

I press on for several reasons, not the least of which is that I've written for as long as I can remember. I've observed for at least as long as I've written and observational musings, particularly those that are humorous, are fascinating to me. There's a lot to be said for humorous behavior in humans - do I notice such things and remember them because I like to laugh at others, or do I simply like to laugh and I'll take it from any source that it may come from? Sometimes I rationalize it - the laughing at others, I mean, because I'm completely willing to laugh at my own behavior and be okay with others having a laugh at my expense. 

Human behavior is a curious thing. I'll admit that I often see humor in places where others refuse to even look for it - but that's not to say that there are places and times when it doesn't exist, and when it shouldn't. Then there are times when no one is looking for it and it shows up unannounced and refuses to let anyone present ignore it. Those are the times when it might be just what anyone in the room needs to add a bit of light to an otherwise dreadful situation.

So what's the point here? We'll see. Write every day, for the class and for myself. The two won't meet up here, but they will feed off of one another. So there you have it, writing every day. That in and of itself will get things going. Just write every day, says my professor. Every single day - even on the ones where you struggle to find the time, write.

And so, he did. I'm a firm believer in the creative power of ideas, and sometimes it takes a crappy idea to give way to a better one, maybe even a great one. So it all has to come out, even the drivel.
There you have my coffee thoughts - the homework I'm not about to share here, that'll end up in the class forum threads, where I can see what my classmates think about it. That's all the time I have for today, tune in tomorrow - and who knows, maybe I'll have something more meaningful to say...or at least more humorous. 

Peace, good people - here's to the start of a week that will hopeful bring great things to us all. Monday, off to get at it!


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