Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Blog Picture/A Favorite Piece of Artwork.

One of my favorite pieces of artwork is a project that my younger sister, Kerrin, did in a high school art class. It's a 5 X 7 inch piece of copper that has enamel baked on it in an original color scheme/pattern. I've loved this piece since the first time Kerrin showed it to me. I'm not quite sure how this piece of artwork came to be in my possession - my guess is that somehow in the move my mother made to Dallas with my stepfather years back (they came back much sooner than they thought they would - thankfully) and Kerrin's marriage, me getting stuck cleaning out the household and deciding what to keep or get rid of and having no real storage solution for most of the stuff...

Some years back, Kerrin called me out on having this piece - said it was hers, which of course it is, and that I had to give it back. I said no. Despite my being a basically immature middle aged man now days, I do have enough maturity to realize I have no real right to keep this thing. Nonetheless, I've kept it with me and kept it safe for over 25 years now. It's even moved with me to other states and I can't honestly say how I managed not to lose it, but I'm glad that I didn't.

15 years ago I had a roommate/landlord who was a metal artist. I thought I would have him make some kind of minimal stand to make displaying this piece easier and that I would give it back to its rightful owner. I guess it was not to be. I recently scanned this piece and have been thinking that it would be nice to enlarge it and make a print that would look nice mounted and placed above a fireplace. I suppose that I'm not far from Kerrin asking me for what is rightfully hers to be returned. If I'm going to part with it, which does make me a bit sad - small as this thing actually is, I'd much rather part with it on those terms than any other way. There you have it - a bit of a back story about the current picture for my blog and and the sudden realization that this isn't actually one of my favorite pieces of artwork. It is my favorite piece of artwork. I'll (reluctantly) return it to you whenever you say sis - love you.

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