Note: A couple of weeks back, I took on a writing project entitled 1,000 Words of Summer. As much as I can tell, the project is meant to motivate writers to write - the guidelines are vague, but for writing daily for two weeks. I've taken some liberties with the guidelines, but overall I'm using it as a prompt to get me to write regularly - which I have stretches where I don't from time to time. Since Summer is in the project's title, I'm choosing to focus on what I enjoy about Summer. I'm also choosing to not count the days where I should be writing 1,000 words and I end up with 400 that bore the living shit outta me. For anyone choosing to read this blog, trust me you're grateful.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
I woke up this morning to another beautiful Summer day. Once the coffee is on and the cat is fed, I walk outside and check the progress of my garden. Things look pretty good out there, everything seems to be doing really well. The things that are blooming now look great, the things that I'm waiting for seem to be growing. Today is a day that I don't have to do a single thing for the garden. There's been enough rain, not much to deadhead off of anything.
I can see tiny buds forming on the hot pepper plants, even some tiny flowers on some of them. It's early and a little on the cooler side. While I look forward to what happens out there in mid to late Summer, why rush it? Days like today are perfect. I have other things to give my attention to, particularly since this pandemic shut down my gym, the weather was mostly crappy during my shelter in place time, so I didn't get out on the bicycle. It's time to get back to both of those things - and this is the longest in nine years that I haven't been to the gym.
It's gonna be a slow and uncomfortable return to hitting the gym. Probably a slower climb back to getting miles on the bike too. Can I get back to normal by the end of July? Hopefully. I doubt I'm the only one who let healthier eating habits backslide a bit during my time at home. It's time to get back to taking control of what I can take control of and look for the good, and most importantly, being grateful.
The vibe at work is different, but for those paying attention, there is this collective hope that we'll get back to normal and that normal will be improved upon. These are still tough times, for me, my coworkers and my employer. None of us have seen anything like this, and there is reassurance in the feeling that we're all in this together.
My point to all of this is that there are a number of things beyond my control, so I'll just press on and focus on what I can control. I have things I'm interested in doing that bring me joy - bicycling, exercise, cooking, writing, photography, graphic design and reading more, learning more. So on this Sunday when I'm a bit back logged on stuff that needs done around here, I'm thankful for Summer and how it allows a different mindset for enjoying outdoors - oh and I'm currently researching fly fishing, which I am going to take up in the next few weeks. I expect a long learning process, and probably no fish caught for the time being, but as one friend told me, it's more about the serenity. Fly fishing is something I've wanted to do for a long time now and waiting seems pointless.
There you have it, a few things I'm focusing on this Summer, a bit shy of 650 words. That'll have to do for today. Peace, good people.
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