Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Warm October Days, Seven Hellos in A Row

Today was my day off - and we've been having some August warm days this October, so I thought I'd get out on the bicycle for a few miles in Peninsula nice and early. Early didn't work out quite so well, but I was still going, nothing could stop me on a day like today. The good news is that during the week the Towpath parking lot is never at capacity, and even if it would be, there's no way the overflow lot would be full too.

I'm in love with the Cuyahoga Valley. I get excited just passing through Peninsula and I often go home from family functions at my sister's house in Medina the long way just so I can drive through Peninsula and up out of the valley. It's beautiful - and I'm grateful that we have such beauty so close at hand to enjoy.

I get to the lot at the Towpath entrance at 12:30. I thought I was going to leave less than five minutes later, having made short work of changing into my cycling shoes and getting the bike off the rack, setting the computer...then up rides this older couple. The first thing the woman says to me is, "Well that was a lovely ride, but now I need a nap - but it was so worth it!"

I ask her how far they rode and which direction - and then it becomes clear that they're not from around here because she's talking like they're visiting, which they were - on their way from Michigan to their Winter home in Florida. I spent the next 25 minutes talking with these delightful people about bicycling - and why I don't like to ride on the road. I could've easily stayed there talking with these people all afternoon, but it was time to get out there on the trails.

Regardless of whether I head North or South, it's always beautiful scenery. I opted to head North because there's a lot more sun on you for some very long stretches on the trail in that direction - and let's face it: We don't get a lot of near 90 degree days in October in these parts. North it was. On Sunday, the last day I rode prior to this afternoon, there were still a lot of turtles sunning themselves on the logs in the water that lines the right half of the trail. I saw one turtle today, and in the span of barely two days, Fall took some huge leaps forward with even more leaves off the trees. I know what's coming - and this year I'm more prepared (I hope) to push my riding well into the cooler months. Still, I'll take all the sunny and warm October days I can get!

Heading North on the trail the first thing to marvel at is the sound of the Cuyahoga River running over rocks not a quarter of a mile in. Sometimes I stop and listen for a few minutes, but the sound of that river running always makes me feel good. On the return trip it's a bit like riding past the finish line and hearing applause - at least that's what I tell myself.

I'm never certain how many miles I'll ride - I just stay out as long as I feel like it, particularly if I don't have anything pressing I need to get back to. Today I opted to keep my ride at just under 24 miles with a halfway point. On the way I passed a group of very young school kids - first or second graders I'm guessing. It's a little sad that the best example you see of trail ethic came from a group of school kids riding in perfect single file - and every one of these little kids gave me a cheerful hello as I rode past them. How could I not say hello back to every one of these kids? It was like a row of verbal high fives, and it was the high point of the first leg of my ride. If something like that doesn't make you smile and be glad you're alive and not sick, you may want to do the rest of us a favor and stay the hell home today!

When I reached my halfway point, it was time for a snack - nothing fancy, an apple and some nuts. When I stood up to gather my trash and get ready to mount up for my return ride, I saw a Bald Eagle - way up in the perfectly blue Autumn sky. No way I'd get anything close to a decent shot at a picture with my phone camera. Nothing to do but stand there and take it in. My goal is to get back down on the trails when it's early in the morning  - and take the good camera, because there was one morning this Summer when a Bald Eagle was just sitting in a tree in plain view across the river. I stood there for half an hour before he decided to leave - shortly after another one flew closer by. If I'd had the good camera with me, I'd have gotten some incredibly shots of one, if not both of those birds.

Onward, I'd decided that when I got back to Peninsula, I'd hit the Winking Lizard for a late lunch of wings - and a cold beer never tastes better to me than it does after ten or twenty miles on a bicycle. What I wasn't counting on, was a strong headwind that I rode into for a good seven miles. Nothing to do but press on through it, and it certainly could've been worse. I made relatively good time on the return leg of my ride and finally stopped in the art gallery at the Art Academy - I'm embarrassed to say that for all the times I've thought about going in, it's never happened until today. A retired woman was working and she was wonderful conversation, albeit in some rather unusual ways, as I looked around. I love walking through art galleries oftentimes as much as I like going to an Art museum, and today was one of those times.

My late lunch was great - although a bit less healthy than I've been eating these days, but cheat days are allowed...I hope. I made it to the bike shop in time to leave Fiona for some adjustments, grab some rack additions and get home in time to prep some veggies to juice, freeze the green bananas I bought and vacuum seal them, along with some stuff for work. All in all, a rather enjoyable and productive day off. I'm hearing that the temperatures are supposed to drop starting tomorrow - no complaints really, Fall is my favorite season no matter what it throws at us. I'm actually looking forward to riding on some cooler days, so Mother Nature can bring it. Nothing to see here good people, just a guy who's grateful for the things that bring joy to my life. I dunno what works for you, but for me...well, I'm gonna seek those things out and enjoy them - even if they aren't things that anyone else thinks are all that wonderful. Peace, good people - I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight.

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