Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New post.

The holidays have come and gone in a blur. So has another year. I love the holidays, but at the same time, I don't. All I want for Christmas these days is to get to see all the people who mean something to me - and that gets harder to do. In my line of work I'm working through most of the holidays, and while I'm used to it, it bugs me just a little bit every year. I love the feeling of togetherness that I feel all through the holidays, but I hate the mass marketing craze that Christmas has become and it's the worst time of the year to be in practically every store. I also believe that the spirit and/or mindset of overall kindness that is Christmas, should be practiced all year long - and I've said as much, and more than once.

I miss the feeling of comfort that made Christmas last for two whole weeks when I was a kid. Now it's right back to the grind the next day. Life as a grownup. No sense in rambling on about that - I thoroughly enjoyed the holidays this year. Thanksgiving was wonderful, and someone asked me what the best part of my Christmas was this year, so I told 'em:

The best part of my Christmas was when I pulled in my sister's driveway and my niece ran out to meet me. Yup, that was the best Christmas present I had - silly as that may sound. My niece is a teenager now, and teenagers aren't often so thrilled with adults. I suppose it's possible that "gift" won't be repeated, at least not for a while, but no matter. With all the other good things about Christmas this year, that little act stands out as the one that had the most impact on me - and I love it. I'm glad to have a lot of good things to remember about this holiday season and while I'm never one to get too excited about New Year's, I am looking forward to the year ahead.

This new year is already off to a great start. I'm not one to make resolutions, but I am one who strives for increasing levels of self-awareness and wanting to be the best me that I possibly can be. I prefer a creative vibe/mindset over a competitive one - and that suits my artistic soul perfectly. My intention, rather than my resolution, is to nurture my creative soul at every turn. That means writing and striving to improve on that, it means dabbling in the artistic ideas I have and I strongly suspect it means that I'm going to start playing music again. I don't know how any of this will play out - no pun intended, I only know that this is what I have to do. I'm fortunate to have friends who inspire me and encourage me with stuff like this - if I think about it, many of these friends are probably much better than I am with some of this stuff, it matters not. I was talking with one dear friend recently, and when he asked me if I would play again, I told him that it was probably best not to ignore that which tugs at one's soul.

I'm finding so many things to inspire every facet of my creative soul and the urges thereof these days. I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season and here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013 for all of us! May we all move forward into this year with kindness for one another. Peace!

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