Saturday, April 27, 2013

What the actual F***

Lately there's this thing going around on the world's most popular social networking site - y'know, the blue one, that completely mystifies me - yet people seem to be falling for it. It seems to be irresistible to more than a few people, kind of like a question from elementary school or on a game show, where the answer is so obvious that it comes out of your mouth at the very second your mind thinks it. Kinda like this:

Q: What color is the sky on a sunny day?
A: Blue!

I may be overstating just how simple this current trend is, but given how surprising it is to me, that anyone with an ample amount of brain cells would respond to something like this, I doubt it. So what, exactly, am I talking about? Stuff like this:

Name a state that doesn't have the letter "e" in it - it's harder than you think!

W.T.F.?? Really? What the actual F?

No, it isn't. It's not hard at all, and I'm not saying that because I flippin' live in one. Yet for some reason, a surprising number of people will find something like this all but impossible to resist typing a response to. I don't really feel like writing much today, but keep your eyes out on the blue and white the next time you're there. Meanwhile, name a word in the English language that doesn't have a letter from the alphabet in it...

Have a great weekend everyone!

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